Thursday, September 13, 2007

An incident that changed my attitude

In these days, countries in the world are not equally living well, but abundant countries are suffering from hunger. Therefore, many of the people who have privileges are trying to support poor people. Over the summer, I went to Philippine to help poor people. There were twenty people who volunteered to go to Philippine. Most of them are my close friends, it was challenging but at the same time it was fun. Since Philippine is not clean enough to prevent local disease called ‘Deng-gi’ and malaria, it was extremely important to avoid mosquito bites. There were twenty people but unfortunately I was the unlucky one who got the local disease, Deng-gi. Through out the voluntary service, I not only felt that the world still has a big task to distribute the modern medical supplies to third world countries but also that thinking positive helps a person on every situations.
People having privileges in life have to look back at support people who don’t. The place my friends and I went was a tiny island called Bacolod. People living there don’t have any benefits of high technology. My friends and I stayed in Philippine for two weeks and had to build a small building for local children’s school. All we had were hoes and spades. We dig eight holes three feet cubically, and had pillar on them. We made cements by mixing pebbles, water and certain sands. It was very tough. If there were excavators, it would have been much easier. I felt modern technologies have to be spread out more.
Searching for things that one has to be aware of is essential step before going to a foreign country. I was aware of two serious diseases—malaria and Deng-gi. Both are infected by mosquitoes, and mosquito carrying malaria virus is active at night time while mosquito carrying deng-gi is active in morning. When a person is infected to deng-gi, 30% dies from an extremely bad fiber. The fiber starts three days after the mosquito bites one. Even though 30% looks really small percentage, having a possibility to die is scary.
Managing oneself with a positive attitude is crucial in order to have a solution. I had to suffer from fiber for last three days. When I found out that I am infected to deng-gi virus, I was shocked at first but I tried to think positive like telling myself that 70% is more than a half. Positive mind and medicine worked. I was cured perfectly after spending one week in hospital.
Although people in many countries can have medical service and high technology, there are some people in the world suffering because they don’t have those advantages. I learned that important for all of those who having privileges to know this fact. Also, thinking positive works better than it sounds like.

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