Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sound and Sense 385/ 82

The Victoms
--The victims are the rest of the family whom the father or stepfather abandoned. Throughout the poem, we can feel the how much the rest of the family despises him. After the father left, the family seems to have mental and financial problem; therefore started taking ‘it’, which I assume to be a drug. The family wants the x father to fail in everything.


4. The speaker is reluctant to live his life the way it is. However, he is afraid to speak up to the boss and get out of it. Instead, he complains to himself by making himself look miserable. The first toad indicates the complaints to himself while the second toad represents that he is not courageous enough to say it to the boss. In other words, the second one is how he actual reacts in the reality.
5. The speaker is exhausted from the work and has tons of stress. However, he couldn’t quit because he could not survive in the world without a job. He thinks the life he has right now is not the life he wanted. He is just a ordinary workers at an office getting stress from the boss.

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