Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sound and Sense 35 and 29


2. In the first stanza when the mirror says “I am no cruel, only truthful” in line 4, it seems like the mirror has personality or heart like a human. The mirror says “The eye of a little god, four-cornered” in line 5. The description is not like a human but a mirror. In line 14 it says, “she rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands”. Agitation of hands makes the mirror.

Is my team plowing

3. Even though I couldn’t find three meanings for the word ‘sleep’, I could come up with some. Since sleep usually means peaceful moment within darkness. It will most likely mean the death. The word ‘bed’ would mean the after life. In line 27-28, it says, “And has he found to sleep in a better bed than mine?” It seems like the author believes in a form of after life such as heaven.

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