Monday, April 28, 2008

Sound and Sense 117/121

Barbie Doll
1. The author is describing a doll as if it is a real girl. That’s one way of approaching to the readers. The personalities that are given to the girl indicate the features of the doll. The author seems to make fun of how Barbie dolls depicted the girls at that time.

1. read it through
2. visage= face
3. the speaker is a guy who has been traveling.
4. the speaker had an accident and somehow stuck in a desert with broken gears. But, he looks like he survived. The situation would be in the early 1800s.
5. The tone seems exhausted from the struggle to survive from an accident and desolate as the setting is in the desert with sand blowing.
6. The word ‘sand’ makes the tone solicit and dry. It makes the speaker desperate to survive from the accident. In line 10, it says “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings”. He is recalling his heydays when he was a great traveler.
7. The theme is the emptiness of life after losing what one had.

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